Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Implementation Of Bike Plan In Melbourne †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Implementation Of Bike Plan In Melbourne? Answer: Introduction The paper mainly reflects on the implementation of bike plan within the city of Melbourne. The bike plan is mainly implemented for guiding the city for becoming a more bike friendly community where safety as well as convenience helps in encouraging both visitors and residents for utilizing bike as one of the healthy alternative in context to personal vehicle driving (Ricci, 2015). In this assignment, proper background as well as objectives of the project is provided in order to implement the bike plan within the city of Melbourne. The paper also elaborates project scope and focuses on work break down structure in order to reflect the activities that are necessary for implementing the project of bike plan. Business case Project background The city of Melbourne have wide variety of employees who recently Economics growth in the employment base with new business that are located in the area of downtown. It is identified that due to the close proximity of major employers to exist within the various housing stock, the expansion of pedestrian walkways, potential lane of bike and current network of trails encourages the utilization of bike (Handy, Van Kroesen, 2014). However, the organization does not accommodate bikes with dedicated lanes as well as bike facilities. Due to this lack of bike infrastructure, a project was undertaken for implementing a bike plan within the city of Melbourne so that the city can accommodate bicyclist after proper installation of bike racks within the downtown streetscape. The project of implementing a bike plan within the city of Melbourne mainly helps in creating as well as enhancing the existing routes of bike for connecting destinations within the city. In addition to this, the project prioritizes various types of improvements for the bike planning actions (Campbell et al., 2016). Proper planned bike facilities will be undertaken so that the entire project will be successful in enhancing the ridership of bike by removing facilities and by providing information that is more appropriate. The concept of implementing a bike plan within the city of Melbourne for increasing the number of ridership is provided to the senior management of the organization in the form of proposal (Tian Xu, 2015). It is identified that after the approval of the proposal from the senior management the project will receive proper funding source so that the project can be implemented successfully. Project analysis SWOT analysis is undertaken in this project, in order to examine the benefits as well as feasibility of the project. Strengths: Bike facility in Melbourne will be helpful as it provide proper travelling facility to the employers of the organization (Hollensen, 2015). It is analyzed that shift from motorized travelling modes to bike can reduce traffic congestion, noise as well as energy consumption. Weaknesses: Poor as well as inefficient circulation of vehicles as well as traffic congestion are not proper for the riders of bicycle. It is identified that limited secure parking facilities are unsafe in Melbourne. Opportunities: The main opportunities for the plan are to create new as well as enhanced existing bike route within the city of Melbourne (Yuan, 2013). In addition to this, goals and policies for providing awareness about the usefulness of bike riding can also be done with bike implementation plan within the city. Threats: The major limitation is that in Melbourne the roadway width is not proper which creates threat on the provision of new bike lanes. It is identified that multiple regulatory agencies also creates conflicting timeline for the project. Project objective The main objectives of the project are as follows:- To build existing as well as planned facilities of bike by prioritize the improvement of bike network: The main objective of this plan is to identify the need bike facilities to resolve the problem as well as deficiencies that are present with the environment of bicycling. To enhance the ridership of bike for improving barriers as well as for improving facilities: The city of Melbourne has wide variety of employees who recently experiences growth in the employment base within the new business. Therefore, implementation of bike plan within the city encourages the facility of bike, which would be very much helpful for the employees for reaching to their destination on time. To enhance the quality of life within the city of Melbourne: It is identified that biking is one of the healthy as well as active form of travel. The implementation of bike facilities within the city of Melbourne helps in providing complete trails, streets as well as activity centers that are generally accessible for everyone in order to support the sustainable community development. It is analyzed that shift from motorized travelling modes to bike can reduce traffic congestion, noise as well as energy consumption. Project scope Statement of work The scope of the project is categorized into two parts that include in-scope as well as out-scope. The in scope of the project include- Creating new as well as enhancing existing bike route Building planned facilities for bike Developing proper goals and policies for providing awareness about the usefulness of bike riding Prioritizing improvements to the bike network The out scope of the project include- Maximization of funding sources for implementation Creation of bike network map High level work breakdown structure Figure 1: Work Breakdown Structure (Source: Created by Author) Literature sum mary relating to the project topic Improper infrastructure for bikes in Melbourne raises the need to implement the bike plan for the employers who can utilize the facility of bike for their benefit. According to Burke (2013), the implementation of bike plan does not encourage the people to utilize this means of transport but also improves the accessibility as well as safety of the people who uses bike. The project is one of the innovative methods for expanding as well as improving the infrastructure while raising awareness about this means of transport. The plan also helps in establishing bike connectivity throughout the city. Summary The city of Melbourne experiences employment growth recently due to which the number of employees working in firms also enhances. The employees found bike as one of the suitable mode of transport but in Melbourne does not have proper lane for riding bike. In order to resolve the problem and for providing proper facility to the employees, a proposal on the implementation of bike plan in the city of Melbourne is presented to the Senior management for approval (Leon, 2014). It is identified that the project is quite beneficial and it mainly aims at building existing as well as planned facilities of bike by prioritize the improvement of bike network, enhance the ridership of bike for improving barriers and for enhancing the quality of life (Hollensen, 2015). It is identified that the project is feasible after proper analysis of the project is done with the help of SWOT analysis. References Bopp, M., Saunders, R. P., Lattimore, D. (2013). The tug-of-war: fidelity versus adaptation throughout the health promotion program life cycle.The journal of primary prevention,34(3), 193-207 Bull, J. W., Jobstvogt, N., Bhnke-Henrichs, A., Mascarenhas, A., Sitas, N., Baulcomb, C., ... Carter-Silk, E. (2016). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework.Ecosystem services,17, 99-111. Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. Campbell, J. D., Jardine, A. K., McGlynn, J. 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